South Angus Parents of Adults with Learning Disabilities SCIO SC046702
Who we are
Welcome to South Angus Parents of Adults with Learning Disabilities (SAPALD) the registered charity that was formed by a group of parents to ensure that our adults with learning disabilities are provided with suitable locally supported residential housing, local residential respite short break facilities, and social events.
What we do
We work with the Angus Health and Social Care Partnership and have representatives at every level – on the main Integrated Joint Board (IJB), the Strategic Planning Group (SPG) and the Carnoustie and Monifieth Locality Improvement Group (LIG). We continue to lobby for residential accommodation for our loved ones as whilst a building may become available, the Council, which provides funds for the partnership, has not released money for professional carers to support our people. We are planning to take this further, but need more members for a louder voice. In the meantime we carry out a number of local fundraising activities, well supported by our local communities, which allows us to host two members’ parties each year – one at Halloween, and one for Valentine’s Day. It was our membership of a Learning Disabilities working party, ensured the creation and availability of the opening of the Tus Nua residential respite facility in Carnoustie, and our continued pressure that has meant that there are now positive moves make the facility to physically handicapped service users as well.
Our history
Back in 2013 a group of parents, concerned at the lack of local facilities and emergency care plans, met with the Social Services department of Angus Council to explain our position. Whilst we were given reassurances, not a lot happened, so we formed an organisation to apply pressure to get things moving. One way we did this was to conduct a small survey of what was needed in the Carnoustie and Monifieth area. Since then, Angus Council Social Services has been merged (integrated) with part of Tayside NHS to form the Angus Health and Social Care Partnership (AHSCP), so we have continued the dialogue with them.
In 2016 we became a registered charity to allow easier fundraising and give us a more powerful voice.
Our members
Trustees We have a board of nine Trustees, including the Chair, Vice chair, Secretary, and Treasurer Members We have family members living in Carnoustie and Monifieth. In addition, we have four Associate members including our MSP and MP, and seven of our local Angus Council Councillors are members. We are members of the Angus Carers Voice Network, the Scottish Coalition of Carers, and Learning Disabilities Scotland.
Join us – it’s free!
We have two types of membership; • Family, for those with an adult next of kin with learning disabilities, and • Associate, for those who are interested in, and support our aims. Both types of members are invited to our regular half yearly open meetings, in January/February and July. The board of trustees meets every two months to drive our agenda. If you are interested in joining us, either as a family member or as an associate, please contact us via our website at where you can find application forms our email or write to: Secretary, SAPALD, 52 Lochend Road, Carnoustie, DD7 7QF.